- Audit Prodigy
- March 23, 2020
- Agile, Category
Even as we, as our organizations’ principal experts on Risk Management, digest the flood of information from the media and government on this unplanned risk and evaluate its impact on our friends and family, we are also beginning to process its impact on our organizations. We are assessing how best…
- Audit Prodigy
- March 4, 2020
- Agile
With the ongoing and future impact of pandemic magnifying the already existing risks of technology-enabled expansion of business operations, including shared service centers and 3rd Party Providers, it is not news that today’s business and risk environment is more challenging than ever. It is also no secret that the already…
- Audit Prodigy
- January 27, 2020
- Category
It is no secret that the days of siloed Internal Audit processes do not lead to success in this day of fast-moving risks, demands for real time awareness and collaboration. Rather than auditors working and wading through opaque processes – lost in spreadsheets, internal check lists, and fractured auditing protocols…
- Audit Prodigy
- January 19, 2020
- Category
This New Year California’s CCPA has gone into effect following suit after other states, such as Massachusetts. This is one of the first step in what will soon be the national status quo across the United States before the end of the decade. With States independently passing laws there is…
- Audit Prodigy
- May 22, 2018
- Category
How Blockchain Will Revolutionize Internal Audits Blockchain technology is most well-known for its application in cryptocurrency. However, experts agree that its potential goes far beyond bitcoin, Ethereum and their competitors. In fact, as the Harvard Business Review points out, blockchain promises digital transparency capable of protecting any record from “deletion,…
- Audit Prodigy
- May 21, 2018
- Category
Accurate, informative project reports are a crucial GRC tool for audit teams striving to communicate effectively with organizational leadership. Unfortunately, producing a thorough, incisive, yet readable report can be challenging, even for experienced auditors. No two projects are alike — which is why taking a one size fits all approach…