Best Practices
Accurate, informative project reports are a crucial GRC tool for audit teams striving to communicate effectively with organizational leadership. Unfortunately, producing a thorough, incisive, yet readable report can be challenging, even for experienced auditors.
Audit committees can and should play a key role when it comes to non-GAAP measures. To help audit committees with that role, a new report offers a “roadmap” featuring three key steps.
An integrated governance model could provide benefits to sustainability teams.
An Accenture Compliance Risk Study highlights different strategies that firms are pursuing to create compliance functions that meet the demands of a rapidly changing financial services industry.
The Big Four accounting firms—Deloitte, Price Waterhouse, Ernst Young, and KPMG—seem to be taking an “if-you-can’t-fight-them-join-them” approach to the onset of blockchain technology. As of mid-2017, Deloitte alone…
The PCAOB is requesting additional public comments on a proposal that would require additional oversight of lead auditors relying on the work of other auditors. These requirements could particularly impact large multinational audits.
In addition to the revelation last week that Deloitte’s network had been hacked and compromised (as reported by The Guardian), Iranian hackers have targeted Deloitte as well. Iranian hackers set up a fake Facebook…
In light of the Equifax breach, new legislation is being proposed that would require additional corporate disclosures and sign offs stating minimum standards of consumer data security have been met. The proposed…
A new study by the American Accounting Association titled Internal Control Weaknesses and Financial Reporting Fraud concludes that Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404 disclosures can serve as an early warning system for fraud…